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évènements à venir

La foresterie ensemble s'efforce de donner du pouvoir à diverses voix dans l'industrie du secteur forestier. Nous reconnaissons que pour réaliser notre vision d’un secteur plus équitable et inclusif, nous devons donner la priorité à l’éducation et à l’engagement. Nos organisations membres offrent une variété de programmes et d’événements ouverts aux participants de tout le secteur. Nous vous invitons à rejoindre notre communauté pour apprendre, vous connecter et collaborer avec d'autres personnes qui partagent notre engagement envers les valeurs EDI.

DEI Measurement and Analytics

Join us to explore the current Canadian wage gap demographics. This workshop offers the chance to dive into salary audits and help close the gap. Discover practical methods to identify and eradicate discriminatory remuneration practices, all in a safe and supportive online environment.

Corporate Social Responsibility & Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Discover how to seamlessly integrate DEI into your CSR efforts for meaningful business conduct across the workplace, marketplace, and community. Align with international standards, enhance employee wellbeing, and create positive community contributions. Join us for a powerful blend of purpose and impact!

Leveraging Newcomer Talent to Empower Canada's Workforce Webinar & Peer Learning Group

This event is especially designed for employers, training providers, workforce intermediaries, researchers and policymakers. Our session will explore innovative solutions and share insights from key FSC projects focused on optimizing newcomer skills and workforce integration.

Indigenous Inclusion 3.0 | Advancing Inclusive Practices

Expanding on Indigenous Inclusion 2.0, this workshop centers on strategic planning following the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action. Participants draft an implementation plan for Indigenous engagement and reconciliation, with Indigenous knowledge integration tips. Informed by Canadian Elders, it helps target industry-specific goals, fostering better relationships, engagement, and responsibility.

Indigenous Inclusion 2.0 | Acknowledging, Incorporating & Engaging

Expanding on Indigenous Inclusion 1.0, this workshop delves deeper into engaging with Indigenous communities. Attendees will craft personal land acknowledgments and get feedback. It highlights merging Indigenous and Western knowledge in daily routines, stressing the need for intention. The workshop guides incorporating Indigenous wisdom at work and in personal views, emphasizing community involvement. Informed by Canadian Elders and Knowledge Keepers, it outlines four engagement phases and supports advocacy and allyship.

Indigenous Inclusion 1.0 | Reconciliation in Action

Explore practical strategies for building inclusive workplaces while addressing misconceptions and advancing reconciliation efforts. In line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report, this crucial workshop allows participants to understand and help build strong relationships with Indigenous communities and team members, boosting workforce engagement. This session debunks myths, provides valuable data, and offers practical strategies for enhancing your approach.

Inclusive Leadership: Meeting the 50 – 30 Challenge Goals

This webinar is the last of a three-part Inclusive Leadership Webinar Series that highlights the 50 – 30 Challenge, a voluntary code that encourages organizations to achieve 50% gender parity (women and/or nonbinary people) and 30% representation of other equity-deserving groups on boards and/or senior leadership teams.  
The panelists will discuss the progress of the goal, why they are important and how SMEs can benefit from this initiative.

ProtectHer: The Women’s Safety Leadership & PPE Symposium

This exclusive virtual event is an exceptional platform to celebrate, learn from, and network with influential women leaders in safety.

Building on the crucial dialogue started by OHS Canada in 2023, this event will delve deeper into the specific needs and challenges related to personal protective equipment (PPE) for women. This discussion aims to highlight innovations, share best practices, and push for advancements in PPE that are inclusive and designed with women’s unique requirements in mind.

Mentorship & Sponsorship: The Impact on Advancing Women in the Workplace

In a world where advancing gender equality remains a crucial challenge, the role of mentorship and sponsorship in elevating women in the workplace cannot be overstated. In collaboration with Accelerate Her Future, we're delighted to present a session tailored for leaders, change-makers, and advocates dedicated to creating an inclusive and equitable work environment.

Talent Management Pt. II: Retention and Beyond (Practitioner's Path)

This session focuses on career development and succession planning. Through tracking retention for systemically marginalized groups, and removing barriers to development opportunities and rewards across rank and function, this workshop will help your organization ensure its career development and succession planning processes include a DEI lens.

Les femmes dans la foresterie 2024

Le sommet de cette année sera encore une fois véritablement national, avec des conférenciers de partout au Canada et une interprétation simultanée français-anglais disponible pour toutes les présentations.

Inclusive Leadership: Women Breaking Glass Ceilings in STEM

Ce webinaire rassemblera un panel de femmes leaders diverses pour discuter de la nécessité d'une meilleure représentation dans les domaines des sciences, de la technologie, de l'ingénierie et des mathématiques (STEM), où les femmes continuent de faire face à des défis dans cette industrie dominée par les hommes.

Modérés par la Dre Wendy Cukier, fondatrice et directrice académique du Diversity Institute, les panélistes discuteront des obstacles auxquels sont confrontées les femmes dans les professions STEM, notamment les cultures de travail, le manque de modèles de rôle et d'opportunités de mentorat, l'image de marque de l'industrie, les stéréotypes et les stigmates fondés sur le genre. , et bien plus encore, ainsi que les réussites et les voies à suivre.

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